This post is going to be about dogs. I like dogs, they're cute and like stuffed animals but if you don't feed them they die. Exciting indeed.
Seriously though I love dogs, and well animals in general. Dogs specifically though just seem to have a way to brighten up your day. They're like children in their innocence and in your desire to shower them with affection. I currently have two dogs "in my life", one, a black Toy Poodle, belongs to my lovely girlfriend, Jennifer, and her name is Chloe. Chloe's about a year and a bit old now and she's very friendly and inquisitive. She loves me (who doesn't) and she's the most adorable little thing. The other dog belongs to my aunt (and her family) and her name is Zuzu. Zuzu is a white Maltese. She is also fairly adorable, a good medium-small sized dog. She's a few years old now and she's a really good dog (I don't think I've ever heard her bark, including when my family watched her for a few days a couple summers ago). They're both awesome animals. I have put a couple pictures and a video of Chloe and Zuzu below.
My family is currently contemplating getting a dog and the divide about it falls into three camps. 1) My mom and myself, who want one really badly, 2) my sister who doesn't really like dogs for some reason, but wants us to get a cat, and 3) my dad who doesn't want us getting any animals.
I really think pets (in general) and dogs specifically can really do a lot of good for the family dynamic. They bring a little life into the household. Again, it's a child-like sense of life. A dog is always curious and excited to try new things. It is loyal and is always looking for affection. The dog has practical purposes too, it gets you out of the house as you have to take it for walks and whatnot and in a society which is increasingly being enclosed within the confines of our own homes, a dog (by forcing you to go out) brings with it a sense of community. And again, they're like stuffed animals that move. My family has had pets before, one cat - named Ashley - which my dad got my mom before I was even born. Ashley lived for a long time (approximately 18 years) and it was sad when he eventually got too sick and we had to put him down (I was there for that, held him in my arms as he died. I think I was around 12/13, needless to say that was a sad day). We've also had gerbils - Blacky, Chewey, and Kirby (Kirby was mine, lived the longest), and we had a pet squirrel once - named Binky (good times).
My sister wants to be difficult and get a cat again. Cat's are ok, but they're just sort of boring. Cats are good if you're looking for a pet that isn't a lot of high-maintenance, but they lack that sense of zeal that a dog intrinsically has. I wouldn't be opposed to getting another cat, but if it came to a choice between that and a dog, I'm going dog all the way. There are two main reasons why my dad doesn't want us to get anything - and a dog specifically. Firstly, he feels that a pet ties the family down. I agree this is true, once you have a pet that requires more attention than a simple feeding every few hours it definitely adds something else to your consideration whenever you want to go on an extended trip. My counter this assertion though is twofold: a) my family doesn't really go on too many vacations, the last time we did was last year for a week to Florida, and the time before that was all the way back in 2004, and b) we know plenty of people who would be willing to watch a dog for a few days should we go away, so while yes, it is an added hassle of trying to contact someone to watch our dog, the option is readily available. The second reason my dad doesn't really want a dog is the financial costs that go along with it. Not even talking about the initial cost of purchasing the dog, but the costs of sustaining it for many years - it adds up. While this is true, in my opinion it's all about cost-value. If you are deriving a certain value from whatever it is you're spending money on, then its worth it. I am sure my family would benefit from owning a dog (I know I will), so I think the cost is worth it. I know that if we got a dog, my dad would love it, but these are his two reasons for not buying into the idea. Ultimately it doesn't really matter what he thinks though, my mom wants it so we'll probably end up getting one sooner or later. If it is later, I can see my parents waiting until they get a bit older before getting the dog, once they retire they won't have much else going on so if any time is the perfect time to add one into their lives, it'd be then.
Right now my mom wants to get a medium-small sized dog. She's thinking either a Cockapoo or a Shih Poo. She wants the poodle mix because they do not shed. Pictures of each (as puppies) can be found below:
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Cockapoos |
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Shih poos |
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Chloe in the car |
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Zuzu helping me study |
Ahhh, this is such a cute blog post! Chloe and Zuzu are so adorable!!! <3
ReplyDeleteMy cousin and his wife in the States have a dog, and I love playing with him when I go visit. I agree, dogs seem to bring so much life and happiness, it's incredible. My cousin's dog always warms my heart when he likes to sit on my lap and when he wakes me up in the morning by jumping on the bed. Though, I'm not sure if I would be able to take good care of a dog myself. It's because they are so active and energized, I'd always worry that I'm not doing something right and end up hurting or making the dog feel unhappy. Though, my sister really loves dogs, and she made me promise I'd be the one taking care of her future dog if she ever goes on vacation or something, haha.
My sisters and I have always wanted to get pets (two really want a dog, the other two like bunnies and hamsters, and I've always wanted a turtle), but my dad has always been very strict and said no. Besides the financial costs, he thinks none of us would be responsible enough to take care of them, and he'd end up being the one who does so. It probably was true when I was younger, and is still true since my sisters are still young to really understand, so I guess it's a good thing we didn't get those pets.
But what's funny is, if my dad is willing to take care of pets, he would get them without asking us. He spent the entire summer last year building a fish pond in our backyard, so now we have a bunch of koi fish swimming in there, and he wants to get more, haha!
The beginning of your post made me laugh->"I like dogs, they're cute and like stuffed animals but if you don't feed them they die." lol captain obvious here
ReplyDeleteBut I also love dogs too. I cant imagine my life without one. I've had a dog pretty much ever since ive been alive (with the exception of a year between my fisrt dog and the one we have now). They are really great pets to have, although they are a lot of work and can become pretty expensive. Dog food costs us about $80 a month, mind you, we have TWO golden retrievers, so they are bigger dogs than what your parents want to get and there is also two of them so they go through food faster. Still, vet bills are also pretty expensive getting all the shots they need and whatnot, but thats no different than getting a cat as well im sure because they also require yearly shots etc.
You also mentioned about going away on vacation but also day trips/ if your family all goes out to a family gathering or whatnot or even if everyone is at work/school all day, the dog can prob only go 6 hours max without being let out to go to the bathroom (of course puppies its like.. every half hour LOL) so thats been the only thing thats been a reoccuring issue with my dogs at least.
But I definitely agree that dogs are much better than cats. I mean, im pretty biased because I am also allergic to cats so I would never want a cat, but dogs are much more loving towards you and loyal and obedient. And you can do stuff with dogs like play catch, train them, take them on walks, what can you do with a cat? nothing... besides like swing a rope back and forth infront of their face while they watch it and bat at it.. boringggggggggggg. Hahaha dogs are super cute! I don't really like small dogs as much, I prefer bigger ones but the types your mom wants to get look super cute! and when they are puppies dogs are even cuter, I wish they could stay puppies forever!
Anyways,I really hope you get a dog! They are definitely worth the sacrifices you may make for them/money you spend on them :)
"nothing... besides like swing a rope back and forth infront of their face while they watch it and bat at it.. boringggggggggggg."
ReplyDeleteClearly, Rebecca has no creativity or imagination; if this is all you think you do with a cat, then lololol
Dogs are the worst, though. The best pets are pets like bunny rabbits, or guinea pigs, or hamsters. I definitely love cats, but those other creatures > them both.
Wow, ok that was uncalled for, thanks for that. Please tell me what exciting things you can do with a cat, because I really can't think of anything. Can you walk a cat, no not really. Can you play catch with it? most likely not. What use do cats have? Dogs you can use as a guide dog for the blind.You can train dogs to do a hell of a lot more than any cat can do. Cats can be used for animal therapy or whatever I guess but so can dogs, and are used more often then cats are for that purpose anyways. Other then that, Cats are useless.
ReplyDeleteCan you walk a cat? No. Do you want to go outside at 6am when the dog is barking, and wanting to be walked? No, probably not...but you're going to have to do it anyway, because dogs are super high maintenance. Cats use a litter box; dogs crap all over the place. Cats can actually stand being by themselves for more than a few hours at a time; dogs will go insane. Cats can actually wash themselves; dogs...cannot. Cats don't expect to be taken for walks, and like I've already mentioned, dogs do.
ReplyDeleteDogs are dirty, loud, and high maintenance. Cats...are not. Cats 1, Dogs 0.
If you train your dog properly, it won't bug you to go for a walk at 6 in the morning, and if it does, you dont have to take it at 6 in the morning, you can just let them out to do their business then it will come back in within 5 minutes. Dogs will not go insane, yeah they will need to be let out and some dogs with higher energy will prob need a walk but they arent going to go crazy if you leave them for half a day. Again,its all about properly training them. Yeah so dogs can't wash themselves.. so what? Cats lick themselves to get themselves clean... thats gross and not much better than not cleaning themselves at all. And... they cough up hairballs which is so disgusting. You arent going to get away with not bathing your cat, sorry. Maybe not as often as dogs but you still have to do it.
ReplyDeleteHeeeey! My first comment on Matteo's blog, wooo!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say: You guys realize that the cat/dog debate is really silly and unproductive, right? I mean, personally, I am BOTH a cat and a dog person, and I can readily say that they are both high maintenance and a huge commitment.
Totally right about the necessity of training a dog, for sure. Just like you have to train cats, to stay off kitchen counters, to use the litter box, to not scratch at my door at 5:00 am because she's hungry... cats are a little more stubborn, but they definitely need to be trained as well.
I also want to point out that cats have a LOT of personality. My kitty Henry (oh man, I miss him so much ): ) was fucking BADASS. I totally would take him for walks. He wouldn't walk with me the whole way, but we'd sometimes walk down the road for awhile, or we'd go hang out in the backyard. And all three of our cats would come and hang out with us on the dock, when we were swimming/reading/sunbathing, etc. And playing with cats is REALLY fun. So like... there are things you can do with cats!
But dogs though, dogs are also great! My sister's dog, Pepper, goes on canoe camping trips with us, and is ALWAYS happy to see you, even if he hasn't met you yet. My main problem with him is that he's a furrball, he sheds like a crazy animal. But man, he's the best dog I ever met. He's really ill now though... I don't think he'll live out the year. :'(
So... both animals come with a huge commitment, but I wouldn't say that one is better than the other. Really, polarizing them like that is just making a general statement, and that's not very useful!
(Also, I have never once washed any of my cats. They've totally got it under control!)
Matteo- those dogs are frigging ADORABLE. I have to show you a picture of Pepper!