Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer Updates.

As you may or may not know, I am a person who generally doesn't sit well very long with any one set state of affairs. I enjoy change and I try to anticipate and embrace it whenever possible. The reason I am telling you all this is because this blog will (again) go under a little change. First off, as you can see around you, I have altered the template and general aesthetics of the blog a little bit (the last time I did this was at the onset of spring, and I am making these changes as summer kicks into gear so I think I may change my blog's template so to accord with the various seasons from now on, that would be neat!). Secondly, I think I am going to post more about news stories/topics that catch my eye and that I think are important. I'll try to discuss stories that, for whatever reason, do not seem to heavily make it into the circuit of the mainstream news coverage. In recent years I have grown really intolerant and at times outright angry at what gets put forward as news in our mainstream media. The quality of journalism we receive from these outlets is very sub-par, with stories generally lacking any sort of depth and failing to ask the appropriate questions and discuss the potential consequences of the stories that are being covered. I hope to offset some of this, if only for my own personal research and gain, by writing about news stories that I think deserve more attention on this blog. I'll still post inane things about myself (don't you worry), just expect there to be more news/current affairs posts in the future than there has been previously.

Also, if you'll look to the side bar of the blog you'll notice some changes. I have put in a "Free Music Downloads!" tab offering, as the name explains, free music for you to download. I'll feature music that I think is good - or at least worth checking out (hence me advertising it on my blog) - and because they'll be free downloads there is really no loss in any of you doing so. I'd also like to note that the music I will feature here is all 100% legal and legitimate, the links provided will take you to the artist's/label's website/page where you can download the music. I generally don't believe in illegal downloading (something my wallet greatly disagrees with) so just be sure to know that all the links provided here are totally legit! The side bar is now also home to a project I am currently working on at my university. Last year I co-founded and am now an Editor (as well as the guy in charge of promotion) for an academic journal based out of Victoria University at the University of Toronto. It's a journal comprising of papers written by undergraduate students at the university, consisting of a wide variety of topics and academic disciplines. I figured I'd throw some links up to our official website and Facebook Page for anyone who is interested in checking it out. The journal is called Humanitas and we really appreciate any and all support. Our entire first issue is available online (found if you click on the "Official Site" link) for your reading pleasure!

I figure I should also give an update on my Tumblr account - something I had written about previously. There isn't much news here, ever since making it I haven't really used the site at all as I am still trying to figure out what I want to do with it. I am close to just deleting it altogether, but I have some ideas in my head as to what I could do with it so I'll refrain from deletion for now. So if you have read that post and are wondering what's up with the Tumblr (because I haven't updated it since day one) the answer is: nothing.

So that's pretty much it for now, just a brief "update" post is all that's on the docket for today. Check back soon!

P.S. This week has seen me getting back into the music of The Academy Is... An great independent rock band, who's 2007 album Santi brings back fond memories of summers past. The music is upbeat and poppy, very appropriate for summer listening! While I am only familiar with the band's work on Santi, rest assured that I'll be checking out their other albums - Almost Here and Fast Times at Barrington High - soon enough.

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