Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring Cleaning.

It's been a while. Too long perhaps. Perhaps not. Anyways, it has been over a month since my last entry so I figured I should post a little update as to what's going on with the best blog on the internet. I'll keep it brief as I have to get back to the joys of studying for exams!

My explanation for neglecting this blog has been primarily due to the amount of work I've had on my plate over the past few weeks. I'm happy to note that this state of affairs will officially end next Tuesday (on the 26th) so expect a steady stream of new posts starting at that point. Get excited.

As you can see, I have altered my design a little bit. While I enjoyed the old theme, I had gotten bored with it. It's a new season (literally) and my blog will become more active soon, so I figured why not change it up? Like/don't like the change? Let me know! I may switch it up again, but for now this seems to work.

I have also updated my "Rise." post with three of my favourite tracks off of Rise Against's newest album Endgame. Go check them out, they're great.

I was recently checking out some of my blog statistics and I thought they were interesting so I'll share them with you:

- To date I have 468 all time blog views, pretty good I think considering this has only been around for a couple of months coupled with my lack of consistent entries. I also have the "Don't track your own page views" setting turned on, so if this number is legit not counting my own access to the blog that's pretty exciting. I'd like to thank all of you who check it regularly and again apologize for my lack of entries. There will be more coming in the future at a more steady pace. Stay tuned.

- 444 people from Canada have viewed my blog (not surprising as all my followers are people that know me personally, here in Canada), but the rest of the numbers are a little bit more dynamic: 12 from the United States, 10 from the United Kingdom, 1 from Denmark, and 1 from Singapore. To my international readers, or anyone who stumbles upon this blog one way or another, feel free to "follow" the blog if you like what you see, and as yet another reminder, there will be new content coming very soon!

- My most viewed entry is the first one I ever did. I believe the reason for this is because I had advertised that entry on Facebook (as a general notice to my Friends that I had created a blog). I have thought about posting blog updates to Facebook/Twitter more regularly but because I don't know exactly what type of blog this is - or will be - yet I'm not sure how much exposure I really want. While I think it's awesome if people want to read the blog and check in to see what I'm up to or what my thoughts are on whatever, there is something about making this information widely available - especially to a good number of people I know merely as acquaintances - that is a little discomforting (I realize the irony of this statement, as soon as I click "publish post" this entire article will be available to the internet, with no viewing restrictions on anyone whatsoever). I think it's just that I want people to either come across this blog naturally, or the readers of this blog to be among my circle of friends who will be able to appreciate it as being an extension of our relationship (as they may be able to learn a little bit more about me as a person). Because this blog isn't specifically about anything, I don't really see the need to post updates about it on other social-networking sites. Maybe in the future if I create an entry I really like or something I think people would find genuinely interesting I'll advertise it a little bit. However until then I am happy with the current set up.

So that's pretty much it for now. A brief update on the blog after it existing for a few months. There will be more to come so check back soon! I was going to hold off until after my exam on Wednesday before posting this particular entry, but I just couldn't wait and wanted to get it out of the way. After the 26th things will get a little more interesting but for now it is back to the books!

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